Call: WA4JA / Rover
Operator: WA4JA
Station: WA4JA
Class: Limited Rover
QTH: AL and TN
Operating Time: 7 hr
Grids: EM54, EM64, EM65
Bands, 6m, 2m, 220MHz, 432 MHz
Section: Alabama
Total of 44 QSos
Score of 754
Club: Alabama Contst Group
Too cold, windy, and wet to make a Saturday run, so out late on Sunday. Still
too cold and windy to use the run and shoot portable yagi antenna setup, so
only used mobile whips. Will buy some loops this year at Dayton. Almost took
a 180# deer though the windshield and ran over a cat. I was ready to get back
home after this one! Nice run of Huntsville area QSOs while on Monte Sano
Mountain, EM64. Thanks, guys!
Columbia, TN
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