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To: 3830@contesting.com, oh2ua@oh2u.com
Subject: [3830] CQWW SSB CU2X(OH2UA) SOAB HP
From: webform@b4h.net
Reply-to: oh2ua@oh2u.com
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 07:15:39 -0700
List-post: <3830@contesting.com">mailto:3830@contesting.com>
                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB

Call: CU2X
Operator(s): OH2UA
Station: CU2X

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  273    16       60
   80:  767    24       95
   40: 1368    28      102
   20: 2532    32      118
   15: 3035    33      124
   10:   39     8       19
Total: 8014   141      518  Total Score = 11,421,129



Well what can one say after claiming the new European record at this point of
cycle with over 8000 QSO's and practically without 10M... I'm very happy! Also
I'm very proud of having a privilege to operate from such a station as CU2X.

Building the contest station in Azores has been my dream since the very early
days of my contesting career. It was year 1996 when Ville, OH2MM, had a
presentation in the contest forum of Finnish Amateur Radio Union meeting. Ville
told us about the ham radio population and selecting the optimal QTH. The final
conclusion in Ville's presentation was that you have to be in between
North-America and Europe and have some kind of multiplier value (and that's how
EA8BH/EA8EA QTH was founded).

I went home from that meeting, took World Atlas and realized how stupid those
guys were. Why they just didn't look the map? It took me only 5 minutes for
understanding that OH2BH and OH2MM went to wrong place! Why they went to Canary
Islands even tough Azores was a lot better QTH in the middle of Atlantic Ocean,
just as Ville had told us a couple of hours ago? 

Well, you have to remember that I was 15 years old boy at the very beginning of
my contesting career after holding my license only for a couple of months and
not understanding anything about differences of 3 point/QSO location and 1
point places not to mention about MINIPROP analyzes or other simulations
needed. But my dream of contesting from Azores was born.

It was maybe five years later when I made my first SO contest from DX location
at OH0 and at the same time talks about finding the best QTH in Europe with
Martti, OH2BH, began. When project went on we were fortuned to have Juha,
OH8NC, with us. Juha's been always interested in projects where one can do
something that's never been done before, like Arkala Extremes in amateur

As one can see, it's been quite a long project first analyzing what part of
Europe we should be located, investigating out the possible countries in that
area and ultimately finding the local contacts and QTH. And of course finally
setting up the station. In the process several alternative location, such as
Albania and Montenegro, were investigated.

CQWW SSB 2008 was the first contest from our new QTH. Years of hard work seems
to be paying off, at least according to the results of our first attempt.
Project as large as this one could never be succeeded by individual person. All
of the time we've been doing things as a team and trying to get the most of our
personal strengthens keeping our minds that when working as team the whole is
greater than the sum of the parts.

As having a privilege of being the operator at CU2X in CQWW 2008 I want to
express my greatest thanks to the whole team of Azores รข?? Finland Friendship
Consortium: CU2BV, CU2CE, CU2DX, OH2BH and OH8NC. Every one of you has a
special and a much appreciated role in the team. Also I want to thank the
Arcala Extremes contest group. Azorean activities are run as a part of larger
mission of Arcala Extremes.

73 & see ya on CQWW CW at CU2

Toni, OH2UA / CU2KI

More detailed information, statistics etc will be posted soon at www.cu2a.com

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