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[3830] ARRL 10 AB5K SO SSB HP

To: 3830@contesting.com, terry@ab5k.net
Subject: [3830] ARRL 10 AB5K SO SSB HP
From: webform@b41h.net
Reply-to: terry@ab5k.net
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2010 17:46:15 -0800
List-post: <3830@contesting.com">mailto:3830@contesting.com>
                    ARRL 10-Meter Contest

Call: AB5K
Operator(s): AB5K
Station: AB5K

Class: SO SSB HP
QTH: Holland, TX
Operating Time (hrs): 27

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  SSB: 1389    98
Total: 1389    98  Total Score = 272,244

Club: Central Texas DX and Contest Club


I was supposed to work Sunday morning so a full time effort was not in the
cards.   Additionally, the 10 meter OWA's were partially assembled and laying
on the ground.   That left me we with the 40 meter tower and three SteppIR's at
60, 100 and 200 feet.  Non of the antennas are rotatable.   The top antenna at
200 feet is pointed to the NW and the lower antennas at 100 and 60 feet are
pointed to the NE.

I started Friday night and had several phone, email and computer interruptions.
 No problem as it was a casual operation.    Early Saturday morning was similar
with another couple of phone calls but the last phone was to cancel the Sunday
work.   Cool.  That triggered a switch from a causal effort to a serious
I was concerned about using the high antennas in a contest but they played
great.  One highlight was having a PR station give me a report of 60 over when
running with the SteppIR at 200 foot.   Conditions were awesome the last three
hours of the contest with awesome run rates.  Thanks to everyone for all of the


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