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[3830] NAQP RTTY AA5AU Single Op LP

To: 3830@contesting.com, aa5au@bellsouth.net
Subject: [3830] NAQP RTTY AA5AU Single Op LP
From: webform@b4h.net
Reply-to: aa5au@bellsouth.net
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 04:21:32 +0000
List-post: <3830@contesting.com">mailto:3830@contesting.com>
                    North American QSO Party, RTTY - July

Call: AA5AU
Operator(s): AA5AU
Station: AA5AU

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   75    27
   40:  205    43
   20:  348    52
   15:  103    28
   10:    0     0
Total:  731   150  Total Score = 109,650

Club: Louisiana Contest Club

Team: LCC #1


Quite a struggle at the start and for the first 4 hours with no ten meters and
15M  only open to the west.

First contest with zero sunspots since 2010 and it showed. Actually the sunspot
number was 27 (it was zero the day before). But when it's that low, it's not
good. HI

I thought weather was going to be my biggest concern. With morning
thunderstorms all around, I was surprised when it actually cleared and the sun
came out. I knew propagation would be a big question mark but I certainly did
think the high bands would be that bad. Luckily 20M was decent or it would have
been a real bummer.

I don't like when two RTTY contests run concurrently. It causes confusion. I do
not remember the DMC RTTY Contest being on the same day as NAQP RTTY. Hopefully
it was just a fluke of the calendar and won't occur again next year.

73, Don AA5AU

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