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To: 3830@contesting.com, XE2B@outlook.com
Subject: [3830] WPX CW XE2B SO(A)AB HP
From: webform@b4h.net
Date: Tue, 02 Jun 2015 04:47:16 +0000
List-post: <3830@contesting.com">mailto:3830@contesting.com>
                    CQWW WPX Contest, CW

Call: XE2B
Operator(s): XE2B
Station: XE2B

Class: SO(A)AB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 28.5

 Band  QSOs
  160:    0
   80:    3
   40:  127
   20:  517
   15:  776
   10:   41
Total: 1464  Prefixes = 753  Total Score = 3,002,211

Club: Araucaria DX Group


What a ride !
My goals: 
1) at least, 1,900 QSOs and Score higher than 1.5 Megs   
2) Exceed 430 Multipliers 
3) Break the existent XE SOAB(A) HP record 
4) Attempt to close the gap (or break it) the current XE CW record on
multiplier totals.

Rig : FT-1000MP + AL-800H

Antennas : Cushcraft Log Periodic ASL-2010 @ 25 meters height
                Alpha Delta DX-A Twin Slopper

Started the contest right on time, and  most of the time doing S&P;
despite 10m was a joke, decent condx on 15M and 20M. Joy lasted 4 hours when a
Thunderstorm came in 
and forced me to shut down everything and went to bed.

Late start on Saturday morning at 1341z, an hour later learned that
I needed to head back to the office to solve technical issues.
After 3 hours, I was back again, with pretty decent on 20M and 15M.
Read a work related e-mail ( big mistake),  a hard stopping  at 1824z and
resumed 4 hours later.

At the end of Day 1 -to my dismay, I was way down on  score points, QSOs (less
than 500), and mults.

Pushed harder and delighted to found 40m in good shape and marveled  with one 
of the most spectacular 20M openings on Europe, Asia and the  Pacific, that
I've ever experienced on CW,
This happened from 0548z to 0834z (0148 am -3:34 am).

I was really exhausted and went to sleep at 0840z       

Started on our Sunday morning at 1420z on 15 Meters with Europe open; checked
the RBN at  1856z and despite excellent signal reports from W1-W3 skimmers,
there were almost no stateside stations; so, I turned my beam and grabbed all
the South American stations I heard.

Closed strongly on 15M and devoted the last 40 minutes doing S&P to grab as
many mults as possible.

1. Short by 400 Q's but  score 2X  better than target.
2. Mults: almost doubled. 
3. Mults 100 more than current XE record
4. Exceeded the current record by almost 100.

So, undoubtedly the numbers confirm that this has been the best  result I 've
ever had on  18 years of participation.
Day        Hr   2015-05-30 2015-05-31 Tot  Accum 
2015-05-30 00   44         0          44   44    
2015-05-30 01   50         0          50   94    
2015-05-30 02   44         0          44   138   
2015-05-30 03   52         0          52   190   
2015-05-30 13   22         0          22   212   
2015-05-30 14   44         0          44   256   
2015-05-30 15   32         0          32   288   
2015-05-30 16   13         0          13   301   
2015-05-30 17   82         0          82   383   
2015-05-30 18   37         0          37   420   
2015-05-30 22   33         0          33   453   
2015-05-30 23   39         0          39   492   
2015-05-31 00   0          85         85   577   
2015-05-31 01   0          60         60   637   
2015-05-31 02   0          36         36   673   
2015-05-31 03   0          40         40   713   
2015-05-31 04   0          36         36   749   
2015-05-31 05   0          31         31   780   
2015-05-31 06   0          61         61   841   
2015-05-31 07   0          87         87   928   
2015-05-31 08   0          40         40   968   
2015-05-31 14   0          28         28   996   
2015-05-31 15   0          38         38   1034  
2015-05-31 16   0          69         69   1103  
2015-05-31 17   0          40         40   1143  
2015-05-31 18   0          41         41   1184  
2015-05-31 19   0          44         44   1228  
2015-05-31 20   0          37         37   1265  
2015-05-31 21   0          43         43   1308  
2015-05-31 22   0          100        100  1408  
2015-05-31 23   0          61         61   1469  
Total 0    492        977        1469 1469  

Cabrillo Statistics           (Version 10g)           by K5KA & N6TV


-------------- Q S O   R a t e   S u m m a r y ---------------------
Hour     160     80     40     20     15     10    Rate Total    Pct
0000       0      0      0     44      0      0     44     44    3.0
0100       0      0      0     48      2      0     50     94    6.4
0200       0      0      0     30     14      0     44    138    9.4
0300       0      0      0     52      0      0     52    190   13.0
0400       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    190   13.0
0500       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    190   13.0
0600       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    190   13.0
0700       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    190   13.0
0800       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    190   13.0
0900       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    190   13.0
1000       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    190   13.0
1100       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    190   13.0
1200       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    190   13.0
1300       0      0      0      0     22      0     22    212   14.5
1400       0      0      0      0     44      0     44    256   17.5
1500       0      0      0      0     28      4     32    288   19.7
1600       0      0      0      0     13      0     13    301   20.6
1700       0      0      0      0     82      0     82    383   26.2
1800       0      0      0      0     37      0     37    420   28.7
1900       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    420   28.7
2000       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    420   28.7
2100       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    420   28.7
2200       0      0      0      4     24      5     33    453   30.9
2300       0      0      0     34      5      0     39    492   33.6
0000       0      0      0      0     85      0     85    577   39.4
0100       0      0      0     60      0      0     60    637   43.5
0200       0      0     27      9      0      0     36    673   46.0
0300       0      0     40      0      0      0     40    713   48.7
0400       0      3     33      0      0      0     36    749   51.2
0500       0      0     23      8      0      0     31    780   53.3
0600       0      0      3     58      0      0     61    841   57.4
0700       0      0      0     87      0      0     87    928   63.4
0800       0      0      1     39      0      0     40    968   66.1
0900       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    968   66.1
1000       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    968   66.1
1100       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    968   66.1
1200       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    968   66.1
1300       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    968   66.1
1400       0      0      0      0     28      0     28    996   68.0
1500       0      0      0      0     38      0     38   1034   70.6
1600       0      0      0      0     68      0     68   1102   75.3
1700       0      0      0      0     38      0     38   1140   77.9
1800       0      0      0      0     17     24     41   1181   80.7
1900       0      0      0      2     36      6     44   1225   83.7
2000       0      0      0      0     36      0     36   1261   86.1
2100       0      0      0     22     18      2     42   1303   89.0
2200       0      0      0      0    100      0    100   1403   95.8
2300       0      0      0     20     41      0     61   1464  100.0
Total      0      3    127    517    776     41   1464

Gross QSOs=1469        Dupes=5        Net QSOs=1464

Unique callsigns worked = 1212

The best 60 minute rate was 106/hour from 2213 to 2312
The best 30 minute rate was 112/hour from 2223 to 2252
The best 10 minute rate was 126/hour from 1630 to 1639

The best 1 minute rates were:
 3 QSOs/minute   33 times.
 2 QSOs/minute  269 times.
 1 QSOs/minute  827 times.

There were 30 bandchanges and 0 (0.0%) probable 2nd radio QSOs.

Number of letters in callsigns
Letters  # worked
   3        16
   4       731
   5       446
   6       242
   7         5
   8        18
   9         5
  10         1

Multi-band QSOs
1 bands    1013
2 bands     148
3 bands      49
4 bands       2
5 bands       0
6 bands       0

------- S i n g l e   B a n d   Q S O s ------
Band    160     80     40     20     15     10
QSOs      0      2     44    354    589     24

Many thanks for the Q's and  Kudos to the contest organizers.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/
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