IARU HF World Championship - 2020
Call: N8II
Operator(s): N8II
Station: N8II
Class: SOABMixed LP
Operating Time (hrs): 13.5
Band CW Qs Ph Qs Zones HQ Mults
160: 9 0 2 2
80: 38 0 7 10
40: 181 0 15 17
20: 326 275 26 32
15: 173 24 17 20
10: 42 10 6 13
Total: 769 309 73 94 Total Score = 561,545
Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club
15 and 10 provided their usual but unexpected openings to EU. The best prop into
EU was the first 90 minutes on 15/10, but 15 was slightly open around midnight
in EU.
20 was tough as usual into EU until about 20Z; signals were booming in the
22-23Z hours, but EU activity had dropped by then. I tried a SSB run around
14309 KHz at 23Z on a very clear frequency with no luck, then tried 14346 with a
decent run over 20+ EU stations. I was trying to make 1K Q's late in my evening
and worried I would fall short; I tried running on 20 vs. mostly S&P on 40
phone and easily pushed over the 1K mark with a very good run of NA and
KH6,VK,ZL (over 10 Q's all 3 total). The last 20 minutes was S&P on 20 CW
where I worked the Kazakh HQ station, OH,R9, R3/4/5/6, and UR stations.
Overall, it was a lot of fun which was my goal. Attending to XYL for meals,etc.
makes a big effort pretty difficult. Thanks for the Q's; 10 and 15 phone could
have used more activity. The mults seemed hard to come by this year except for
20. There was less than usual activity from Carib./SA.
73, Jeff
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