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[AMPS] Additional Tube Brand Questions

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Additional Tube Brand Questions
From: (Stan Stockton)
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 12:52:23 -0600
I have never seen an L-4B that did not have chimneys and a (too small)
squirrel cage blower.  The L-7 is the one with the muffin fan.  The only
place my L-4B's cabinets get hot is directly above the tubes
(understandably so since heat rises) whether you are running the stock
power supply at about 1800V in CW position or whether you are running
another power supply at 3500V.  Whether helpful to the tubes and other
components to keep it cool or not, I don't know, but a couple of muffin
fans on top taking the hot air and dispersing it into the room helps
keep the operators cozy. :)


Phil Clements wrote:
> The best L4 was the first L4 without the B thad had EIMAC SK sockets and
> chimney. Great.
> This is about the time chimneys doubled in price as well as blowers and tank
> components. This is when we started seeing key-down time limits in the ads
> and manuals.
> Eimac says that the useful power output of a pair of 3-500Z's is 1500 watts.
> This assumes that you are using chimneys, proper anode caps, and proper
> blower. I guess the 'muffin fan" users that have modified their amps with 
> increased
> anode voltage also have a big supply of tubes in the closet!
> If the case is getting hot, this means that every component in the amp is 
> getting
> hot also....not good.
> (((73)))
> Phil, K5PC
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