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[AMPS] Shunt regulated high voltage psu

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Shunt regulated high voltage psu
From: (rich)
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 09:39:15 -0800

>rich Wrote:
>>>>URLs?  Bibliographies?
>>>For my point of view, please see:
>>Voltage regulation measurements would be nice.
>I don't quote the figures because they're almost embarrassingly good. 

Agreed.  The 723-based positive floating regulator in Figure 8 on my web 
site regulates so well that I could not detect any drop at 1400v out on 
my Fluke 3.5 digit DMM.  The sticky-wicket with the 723 is a current gain 
of >500,000, so keeping RF out of the beast takes a bit of doing.  

>The output regulation, hum and noise are all typically below 100mV - a 
>4-1/2 digit DVM doesn't flicker between no load and full load. 


>That's certainly better than any power tetrode actually needs, but it's what 
>the active regulator happens to deliver.
>>Were the IMD measurement relative to PEP or to the two tones?
>Relative to either of two equal tones, so they all look 6dB higher than 
>the ARRL-style presentation (which is below PEP). 

Thanks.  This is the same way Eimac measures IMD.   Much to the chagrin 
of DAFers, I measure IMD with voice modulation, a HP step attenuator and 
a double-filter receiver  --  i.e., a PEP type measurement.

>More important are the differences between them.
Agreed.  I would like to see a doubleblind measurement of % screen 
regulation vs, % distortion with voice modulation.  

cheers, Ian

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,  

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