Here's one that's worked for me numerous times, although it's getting less
and less effective as years go by...
If a DX station can't understand me, or my accent, or whatever, I switch to
CW and send it with a small and proper TX offset to make the pitch readable
without the other station having to turn his dial. Amazing how well that
gets through. Tried and proven method for weak-signal DXing, such as
VHF-UHF or during quiet times on HF.
To verify a contact in a Phone contest, the final contact must be phone both
ways, but the use of CW to help identify yourself over the pile is, I
believe, acceptable. In a non-contest or non-award situation, then who
When I'm running a pile of JA's on 50 MHz SSB, as has been the case a few
times recently (too many calling, and many too weak to copy well), the ones
that switch to CW get through 100% of the time.
"Each success only buys an admission ticket to a more difficult problem." --
Henry Kissinger
> -----Original Message-----
> From: WYsixK []
> Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 10:51 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Amps] Phonetics
> I have always had good luck switching to the names of famous cities if
> the other station has trouble with the call when I use the "standard"
> phonetics. It seems that it is rarely useful to keep repeating the
> same phonetics. Seems to work better to switch entirely to a different
> set and use them for the whole call sign, not just the part of the call
> that the other station is having trouble with.
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