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[Amps] Defibrillator/discharge caps for smoothing

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] Defibrillator/discharge caps for smoothing
From: (
Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 20:25:53 -0400
  They are in parallel in a FWB circuit powering an
8877,  the supply delivers 3300 volts at 1 amp.
I use two series connected 25 ohm 50 watt glitch
resistors in the output line to the amp, but have
never had a flash over. The 60 ufd is a lot of "C"
but the dynamic regulation during SSB operation is
absolutely suburb.

Mark  WB8JKR

> Hi Mark in parallel or series? 60uFd is a lot during a flashover hi. 
> I am
> sure that it was said that the caps should be run at 60% of the 
> voltage
> rating. I guess it depends on ripple current, with 2 in parallel I 
> suppose
> that is not a issue. Good recommendation for sure! How much current 
> do you
> run?
> 73
> Conrad G0RUZ

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