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[Amps] stuff available in NM

Subject: [Amps] stuff available in NM
From: "John T. M. Lyles" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 09:40:17 -0600
List-post: <>
I saw a garage full of SK estate stuff Saturday, which is going to be hauled to Socorro, NM hamfest this weekend. Too much to list, but the ham (DXCC) was an amplifier builder, so he had many tubes, boxes of 4-400As, 340TLs, 810s, 807s, 1625s, and smaller, and many capacitors, air variables (in new boxes from hammurlund, etc.) and vacuum caps to 1000 pf, fixed and variable. If you are looking for something in these ranges, I bet I can connect you to a good deal right away. Also, he had full sized racks with various HB amplifiers, using both glass tubes and 8877s. All were high quality. Also power meters, all homebrew but very nice.

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