Being school boy poor, I built mine with 4 6CL6's in the late 50's from a late
50's CQ article. A GE rep told me the 6CL6 was a glass version of the 6AG7
with a tab less anode dissapation. Only had 6 w of drive from a 6AG7 final and
610 v from ps. Single band 40 m amp with all 3 grids of each tube groinded.
Lit my wattmeter up, a 60 w bulb. Don't remember anode current but I used a 0
- 150 ma meter and went well over 100 ma. Worked great on 40 cw for over a
year. Then started climbing the QRO latter with a 807 and next a 4E27.
John Finner WA4EPI
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