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[Amps] Ratshack switches

Subject: [Amps] Ratshack switches
From: "Will Matney" <>
Date: Mon, 09 May 2005 11:42:24 -0400
List-post: <>
I don't know if any has experienced this but figured I'd mention it to save 
some money. I bought some rocker switches at Radio Shack, the ones that look 
like the square rocker switches, but mount in a round hole. Now they have two 
types, this was the smaller of the two. I checked the operation with a meter 
before I installed one in a chassis. Next, I installed it, adding the nut, then 
checked it again, worked fine. I then soldered on the wire to the lugs. This 
was 20 gauge solid which takes about a whole 3 seconds to solder the joint. 
After this, a test found it went bad. I tried several after this, thinking 
maybe I just got one bad one. Not so, every one did this and was toast. If they 
supply solder terminals, which all are, they surely should withstand a whole 3 
seconds of the soldering iron. So, watch out for these as the one type is just 
a quick waste of cash. I'll try to find the part number on them as it's been a 
while. Who knows, they may have already pulled them.



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