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Re: [Amps] 8877 blower requirement -airflow switch

Subject: Re: [Amps] 8877 blower requirement -airflow switch
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 03:41:26 +0000 (GMT)
List-post: <>
Henry used Rotron Air Flow Switches, which were made in Woodstock NY.

I found one recently model 2A that I used for a Dayton blower in my homebrew 6m 
8877 amp.
I had to drill a hole  in the blower for the vane to stick through, copying the 
Henry version in my Henry 3K-X.
On the side of the aif flow switch it states:
This switch will actuate in an increasing vertical-up air stream no greater 
than the ft./min. figure marked on vane.  The 2A kit originally had multiple 
vanes so you could choose the one that actuated at your desired air flow.
In 1986, Rotron became Comair Rotron and the company moved to San Diego in 
1990. It is owned by Howard Industries, which is based in CT. 

I found a page on the Ametek Rotron that describes this kit better, at:

I don't know where to buy locally though.
Good luck.
Bennett ko2ok 
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