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[Amps] SELL: Drake L4B Amplifier parts

Subject: [Amps] SELL: Drake L4B Amplifier parts
From: "" <>
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 13:12:19 GMT
List-post: <>

Offering Drake L4B OEM parts fully tested and operating perfectly: 
A.Pr. 110VAC OEM panel lamps $18
B.Full set of 5 OEM knobs Mint No scratches $35
C.AGC PC board $10
D.multimeter switch w/meter board complete fully wired $35
E.Plate tune front panel Vernier w/red pointer and mtng hdwe No 
slippage $25
F.HV dropping resistors 20meg w/sleeve $12
G.Rear panel male plug fully wired w/all bypass caps $8
H.HV interlock mechanism complete $12
I.SWR/Power pickup PC Board $15
J.(not shown) Cog drive belt w/shaft mounted gears.Perfect $35
K.(not shown) OEM Filament xmfr 110/220Primary 5VCT/30amps and 12vac 
Mint-Tested Full length wires $85
All items plus shipping from zip 18426. 

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