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Re: [Amps] Future of higher power transmitting tubes..............

Subject: Re: [Amps] Future of higher power transmitting tubes..............
From: Lee Buller <>
Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 09:32:53 -0700 (PDT)
List-post: <">>
This is the same question I have.  Looking around the internet and reading as 
much as possible about the supply of tubes and price increases....I think the 
solid state amp is going to meet the price point and take over for "bottles."  

I plan to treat my 3-500Zs with great respect and make them last 10 or so years 
if I can.  

Other than that...I am not sure what the answer is...except to save your money 
for SS amps.  IMHO

Also, the Chinese might get into make HP SS devices which could drive the price 
of SS amps down.  But, in this day and age, I am keeping a close watch on my 

Lee - K0WA

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