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Re: [Amps] Amperex 3-1000H

To: W5CUL <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Amperex 3-1000H
From: Bill Fuqua <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:35:59 -0400
List-post: <">>
The H is a low mu tube and not suitable for class be grounded grid.
If you put it into an amplifier in place of a 3-1000Z it will draw loads of 
and get red hot.

BIll wa4lav

At 01:56 AM 6/19/2008 -0400, W5CUL wrote:
>Has anyone heard of an Amperex 3-1000H being used in a Class B Grounded Grid
>Linear RF Amplifier application?  The Amperex data sheet only lists it as a
>Class C RF Industrial Oscillator.  And all Google searches turn up nothing
>other than it being used as an industrial heater.  Most of its electrical
>specifications and maximum ratings seem to fall closely inline with that of
>the Amperex 3-1000Z.  The exceptions being that it does have a lower Mu (24
>as opposed to 200), and lower plate dissipation (850W as opposed to 1000W).
>Thank you in advance.
>Amps mailing list

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