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[Amps] Help re problems with AEA QSK-1 high speed switching relay box

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] Help re problems with AEA QSK-1 high speed switching relay box
From: "Fern Rivard" <>
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2008 19:49:32 -0700
List-post: <">>
    I have an AEA QSK-1 dual vacuum relay switching box that I acquired some 
time ago at a hamfest. It appears to be new unused in factory box and came with 
a schematic and the 24 vdc output ps but no instructions otherwise. Has anyone 
on this reflector used this unit as I need your help to get this thing going. 
Keying the txcvr ptt line to ground doesn't do anything. Now if I plug in the 
ptt amp line (which is positive going), the linear will key up without  having 
the ptt txcvr line keyed or grounded. I suspect that there is an error in 
either the schematic or the transistors that were used.
    Thanks from Fern

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