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Re: [Amps] Layout of tube

To: amps fourm <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Layout of tube
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 12:28:37 -0800
List-post: <">>
Ok, yea its not for VHF, Just HF but was thinking about parasitics and all ....


Next thought is there a rule of thumb when stacking fans back-to-back to figure 
CFM and pressure ....

Like if i had 2 fans with 98.1CFM/0.28" blowing in series?





> Hi Mike,
> > I'm wanting to supply the tube on one side of the tube and put the blocking 
> > cap for the C.L.C. output 
> about 110Deg off around the tube. Will that make for any internal issues ETC. 
> from 
> misbalance on the Anode ??
> If I understand you correctly, looking down at the tube, the HV supply 
> (connection to 
> the anode RF choke) is at 12 o'clock, and the blocking capacitor to the 
> output tank 
> comes off at about 4 o'clock (or 8 o'clock). If that's what you mean, that 
> should be 
> fine. (Unless you're working at VHF or UHF frequencies... then I don't have a 
> clue as 
> to whether it's OK.)
> 73,
> George T Daughters, K6GT
> CU in the California QSO Party (CQP)
> October 2-3, 2010

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