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[Amps] What tube is this?

Subject: [Amps] What tube is this?
From: Roger <>
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 02:25:48 -0500
List-post: <">>
A while back I saw a surplus glass Russian tube that resembled an 813 on 
steroids. It was claimed to run a KW without requiring forced air. I've 
seen glass tetrodes that are supposed to go a KW and resemble the 
4-1000A, but that's not it. IIRC the plate resembled an 833 as to shape, 
but the tube is round and long like an 813 although it runs considerably 
more power.  The socket appeared to be a "twist lok" type. It was 
relatively inexpensive, but a great one for those "glow in the dark" 
projects.  They even had sockets listed, but try as I might, I've not 
been able to find the site or tube. BTW the I remember the site had both 
tubes and sockets.

Any thoughts? Any ideas as to what tube?  What site?


Roger (K8RI)
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