Viewstar was Hammond and since they couldnt crack the US market they
approached B&W.
The Pi-L tank had a few problems causing lots of smoke and that was redone.
Its the best of the 3-500 amps but its high price limited sales and it was
> Tony,
> I gave my Dad what I believe was the original version of that Amp,
> the Viewstar PT-2500A made in Scarsborough, Ontario. He uses it
> daily. I've been so wrong before but I think B&W bought the amp
> design from Viewstar.
> If you can scan those pages I'd like a copy of them myself.
> Thanks,
> Gary
> KA1j
>> Cleaning out here and came across the "73 Magazine" review of the above
>> amplifier (3 pages). If you have this amp and would like this original
>> copy review, I'll be happy to send it along to you.
>> 73
>> Tony, W4FOA
>> Watch your thoughts; they become words.
>> Watch your words; they become actions.
>> Watch your actions; they become habits.
>> Watch your habits; they become character.
>> Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
>> -Frank Outlaw
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