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[Amps] Arnold Howell contact info.. for YC-156's + pole pigs

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] Arnold Howell contact info.. for YC-156's + pole pigs
From: "Jim Thomson" <>
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2010 05:33:35 -0700
List-post: <">>
The last I heard,  Arnold Howell  had  24-26 x YC-156's left... and also had 
access to 4160/4800 vac  hypersil pole pigs in the  5/10/15/25 kva variety... 
with or without oil.  
Dunno if he still has the mating  SK-306 chimney's or not.   He might have the  
15 V @ 15A  fil xfmr.     Hammond makes a 15v @ 15A  torriodal fil xfmr.. and  
sells retail in the USA.  

Below, is an  OLD note  from  2006 ..... later.. Jim  VE7RF

Reid Brandon at Eimac phoned me today. Reid passed this important
info along.

The correct phone number for Arnold Howell [KB8JCY] of Howell Tube
Sales is               330-744-7582         330-744-7582.   Make sure to *82   
1st... to shut OFF your
call block [if u have auto block]. Arnold returns calls fairly

Also, Arnold Howell's CORRECT e-mail
address is ... KB8JCY @ 

His snail mail address is PO
Box 5842, Youngstown, OHIO, Zip- 44504    He has NO website.
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