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[Amps] gg

To: Ham-amps <>
Subject: [Amps] gg
From: Herzog <>
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 20:03:11 -0400
List-post: <">>
Another way of looking at it that doesn't require definitions of in or 
out of phase, and relative to what is the usually accepted fact that the 
input power ADDS to the final's power.
RE:  > Do it grid driven and GG and then tell me the relationships.

 > >Geez, why we have to discuss basics here is beyond me.


Grounded grid: Cathode goes negative, plate goes negative. In phase.

Grounded cathode: Grid goes negative, plate goes positive. Out of

Sometimes even well-educated people misunderstand the basics, and
that's why it needs to be discussed. A passing grade in school should
be 100%, but alas, it isn't.

73, Bill W6WRT
Another way of looking at it that doesn't require definitions of in or 
out of phase, and relative to what is the usually accepted fact that the 
input power ADDS to the final's power.
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