It would be nice to think that we might hold ourselves to a littler higher
standard such that we can appreciate where some of us came from.
I am not ashamed to admit that CB was my gateway to Amateur Radio. While there
are many CB folks who are pretty non technical, there are also quite a few hams
that don't know what an N connector is let alone how to install a PL-259.
I have seen some very well designed 11 meter SSB stations through the years
that were run quite professionally with Amateur grade equipment that would be
the envy of many a ham.
Those folks just liked/enjoyed where they were and did not care to upgrade. It
was not a case where they were not capable by any means.
We build mono band amps. An 11 meter amplifier is a mono band amp.
In the same way that your neighbor the Doctor who drives BMW's is not a "commie
pinko" as Archie Bunker would say just because he/she does not like what others
Kinda like the neighbor who figures a way to stuff that Hemi into the Mini. We
might not consider it practical, and it is a crazy idea. That does not mean we
can't appreciate the effort or fact that he/she got it done/
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