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[Amps] 9500 Mostly Running Again - Sort Of

To: "AMPS" <>
Subject: [Amps] 9500 Mostly Running Again - Sort Of
From: "David Jordan" <>
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2012 21:18:40 -0500
List-post: <">>
With a great assist from Molly at RF Concepts we got the correct HEX files 
loaded into the 9500.  It came back to life.  Even works with the collocated 
server a la PC control.  Its a clunky dash board but a hopped up new release is 
promised; soon I hope.

The down side is there was no joy when the server was accessed via the 
Internet.  All the programs running with dash boards on the screen are fully 
operational via the Internet... rotor control, antena relays, Kenwood, SKYPE, 
MSWord, etc. using LOGMEIN, VNC Tight or UltraVNC but that ALPHA 9500 dash 
board will not play, it doesn't display anything, won't accept button clicks, 
it just sits there, geez. So, no QRO for the >99% Internet Remote station till 
it gets figured out.  Oh, I miss my 87A ;-(  Molly was able to control the 9500 
remotely using WEBX.  I wonder what the difference might be between the screen 
scrapers and WEBX?

Thoughts Welcomw,

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