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Re: [Amps] GS-35B and Alpha 76/78

To: rick darwicki <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] GS-35B and Alpha 76/78
From: Jim Barber <>
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2012 11:43:35 -0700
List-post: <">>
I don't have a GS-35B here to fiddle with (I do have a Alpha 76A) but 
here's what I wonder:

(1) Is there room for the (roughly) 4" diameter anode cooler 
horizontally and the 5.33"
vertical profile, leaving adequate air gap from the case to prevent arcs?

(2) Is there room inside the case anywhere for the 12.6V 3.25A filament 
transformer? (I suppose you could bolt it on the back?)

(3) And last but not least - how will you get enough air moving through 
it to cool it? I don't believe the
stock cooling would be adequate, but then that might depend on your 
output expectations. With 2KV on the anode,
and an untuned cathode, what would you expect the output to be?

Sorry - no answers, but a few questions. If it worked out I might be 
interested in doing a conversion myself.
I have a 2-hole 76A and the 8874's are ancient... I've considered 
converting to a pair of 3CXP800 medical pulls,
but since I have no real use for the amp before or after I wouldn't get 
the investment back.


On 8/1/2012 8:01 AM, rick darwicki wrote:
> Might be a dumb question but, has anyone tried to convert a three hole Alpha 
> 76/78 to use a GS-35B rather than buy three new 8874s?  The Alpha only has 
> about 2K HV and no grid tuning so it wouldn't be working hard.
> Rick, N6PE
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