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Re: [Amps] Reducing grid currents and improving gain

Subject: Re: [Amps] Reducing grid currents and improving gain
From: William Turner <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 02:12:36 -0800
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n 1/20/2014 12:35 AM, John Lyles wrote:
A little tube history here:
RCA designed and manufactured beam power tetrodes such as the 6L6, 807, and 829B to increase power output, allowing the plate voltage swing to go lower without a large increase in screen current during the minimum.


I was a fan of RCA engineering even back in the 50's when I was a kid just getting into electronics. Not only tube design but TV, radio and electronics in general. I remember their SyncroGuide system for improving horizontal sync in TVs. They took a plain old sine wave of the correct sync frequency, turned it into a spike and used that as a much sharper trigger for the horizontal sweep. Outperformed anything on the market, but now it's just a footnote to history. I wonder how many other brilliant inventions of the time will be forgotten? I hope somebody is keeping track. :-)

Those guys way ahead of their time. I never met any of them but I do admire them from afar.

Now the old RCA is just a fading memory. Wish I could have worked there. Sigh.

73, Bill W6WRT

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