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Re: [Amps] really outrageous amps

To: "Carl" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] really outrageous amps
From: "Jim Thomson" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 19:35:37 -0800
List-post: <">>
##  Not that I know of.  The 3CW20000A7 is a water cooled version of a 3x10.
The plate + grid current ratings are the same, so you cant run any more po...
just more pd.

## water cooling has its merits, but can be a pita to implement. You still need a 10-25 gpm pump to move the distilled water into a big rad, with a big fan. You still have
to dump all that heat.  20 kw pd =  63,000 btu.   1 watt pd = 3.15 btu.

## in the uk ...VO stokes book, they say to avoid water cooling like the plague. IMO, I don’t believe it would be that difficult to implement. Its just a simple closed loop system. The advantages would be the external radiator + fan could be located anywhere.... and hot air
exhausted to the outside in summer..and indoors in winter.

## vapour phase cooling or multi-phase cooling would be the real ticket. But eimac discontinued the smaller vapour phase cooled triodes years ago. Too bad, With vapour phase cooling, the pump
is eliminated.

## water cooling has its advantages 1000 watts per square cn of anode area, vs just 135 watts for vapour phase cooling....... vs 50 watts for air cooled triodes.

Jim   VE7RF

-----Original Message----- From: Carl
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 2:59 PM
To: Jim Thomson ;
Subject: Re: [Amps] really outrageous amps

Has anyone built up a 3CW20000A7?

From: "Jim Thomson" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 12:05 PM
To: <>
Subject: [Amps] really outrageous amps

Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 22:11:23 -0600
From: Ed Hatcher <>
Subject: [Amps] Help with QRO ham's web page

I know I had it book marked, but I can't find it. Seems like he was out of
California. He had breakdown testers and built really outrageous amps and
had designs and parts as well.
Thanks and 73,

##  You wanted outrageous amps, the real deal ?   Here it is. You can get a lot of ideas and how he did various concepts.

Scroll down a bit for the master list.

Jim   VE7RF

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