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Re: [Amps] Odd query....

Subject: Re: [Amps] Odd query....
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2015 04:21:29 -0400
List-post: <">>
Strange isn't it, that with those diets that heart attacks were rare. Now we have low fat, no fat, low cholesterol, what they deem healthy, yet we ate those foods which were the antithesis of of good for us yet were more healthy. What changed? Did we need all the radiation and risk from those bread board and unshielded circuits. Nah, my dad always ate that stuff although he got poked off the electric fence often.

I never had high BP, or high cholesterol until I started working out and "eating right". I worked right next to open coil, induction heaters running a couple hundred KW. I did have a legal limit amp with no covers or shielding and survived although I never wore a neck chain while working on it, then had two strokes and one heart attack.

A fib caused the strokes. Had I known that two weeks sooner it would have only been one stroke and I'd still be climbing towers.

Never got hurt climbing towers. Did get knocked unconscious from an HT-44 PS though. I was on the work bench, woke up laying on the floor gasping for breath.

Ham radio and diet. Don't think they are related, although I see a lot of hams that look like a walking heart attack looking for a place to happen and even with the change in foods, are hams as a group more prone to...<:-))

It's still biscuits and gravy up here in the farm country.


Roger (K8RI)

On 7/25/2015 12:14 AM, wrote:
Quoting "Roger (K8RI)" <>:

Back on the farm, when I was young, it was lard, bacon grease, and fresh churned butter. Boiled dinners or steaks and potatoes smothered in a thick, rich gravy. Eggs fried, submerged in bacon grease for breakfast.

Mmmmmmmmmm....... You shonuff know how to make a country boy hungry, Roger.
Martha White bis-kits    { biscuits for yall north of the Mason Dixon }
and a fresh apple pie and a big glass of just pulled milk.


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