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[Amps] Tyning a $CX250B Amp ( was No Subject )

Subject: [Amps] Tyning a $CX250B Amp ( was No Subject )
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2015 10:27:17 -0500
List-post: <">>

Replying to this subject, I was using a small phone and took shortcuts that I may have wrongly assumed were a little clearer than actually written.

" Remove the connection between the tubes and the plate cap and see if the tubes are stable by themselves" ....

Should have read, " Remove the connection between the tubes and the
PLATE TUNING CAPACITOR and see if the tubes are stable WITH ONLY PLATE VOLTAGE AND SCREEN VOLTAGE APPLIED ( proper bias of course ) and NO RF DRIVE."

At just enough bias voltage to start drawing plate current, move the pi-network plate tuning capacitor and plate loading capacitor through all possible combinations. If you don't see a rise in plate current, change the bias voltage to draw 100ma per tube and again, rotate the plate tuning and loading capacitors through their range.

If the tubes are DC stable at this point,
THEN set the bias to a low value of plate current and slowly apply RF to the input with the output into a 1KW dummy load.

Get the amp stable with only DC before applying RF drive.

Sorry for the confusion.


If you have under 200 ohms hung off the grids , a quad won't turn into an oscillator. Remove the connection between the tubes and the plate cap and see if the tubes are stable by themselves

Don  W4DNR

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