Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2016 11:26:42 -0500
From: RCM <>
Cc: Charlie <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Need for bias switch (CW/SSB)
Back then, you keyed the cutoff bias of the amp.
My Central Electronics 20A had -100 vdc out the back that followed the
keying and did a full cutoff
of the HB 4X250's with operating bias set for class C.
No clicks....
## when I mentioned not to run class B or class C, or key clicks will
this was in reference to a GG triode amp ( cathode driven).
## Im not talking about DX-100s, CE 20A, or any other type of TX or xcvr,
nor grid driven KW tetrode amps.
## 10-40 ma of idle current is fine on any GG triode for cw use. Drop too
low, like
0-5 ma..and u will hear clix. Class C wont work.
## If idle is 0 ma, you cant tell whether u are in class B, class C, or deep
class C.
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