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[Amps] The cost of amplifiers, radios

To: Bryan Swadener <>, "" <>
Subject: [Amps] The cost of amplifiers, radios
From: Charles H <>
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2016 00:50:25 +0000
List-post: <">>
To fairly evaluate radio costs, I took my purchase price new of a Drake TR-3 
and used Google to get that money converted into 2015 money.   The TR-3 would 
cost about $13,000 USD in today's money.

Actually printed circuit boards and other inventions have LOWERED the cost of 
ham radios today.

73, Charly

From: Amps <> on behalf of Bryan Swadener via Amps 
Sent: Saturday, December 3, 2016 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Not just you... The cost of amplifiers

IMO, it extends to other things... not just ham radio toys.
Suffice to say very few of us can justify the most expensive toys.
But, we still have fun. :)
vy 73,Bryan WA7PRC
     Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2016 06:12:05 -0800
From: Cathy N5WVR
To: Amps
Subject: [Amps] Not just you... The cost of amplifiers

"Maybe its just me, but I have problems wrapping my head around
spending $7995.00? ( $10,313.55? in cdn dollars)...on any amplifier"

It's not just you. I have trouble picturing myself spending more than, oh, call 
it $3k on an amp, and even that would be a real stretch. Better to surrender 
the money on multiple amps to provide backups and extra capabilities.

I have 3 amps:. an AL-811H bought new, an SB-220 bought at a hamfest and 
repaired, and a 2-meter TE Systems 160 watt amp. Probably have a total of $2k 
invested on all three combined. ( Technically I have a fourth, a 
QRP-to-35-watts HFPacker, but that's pretty specialized. It lets my K1 be 

I have sacrificed frequency agility to save $$$. To me it's a good trade-off.

I've spent quite a bit of money on ham radio over 20+ years, but never too much 
on any one thing.


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