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Re: [Amps] Pole pigs removed from oil ??

Subject: Re: [Amps] Pole pigs removed from oil ??
From: Jeff Breitner <>
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2017 11:57:19 -0500
List-post: <>

On 11/6/17 9:39 AM, Rob Atkinson wrote:
I had a hunch someone would bring up PCBs sooner or later.  The
hysteria over PCBs is blown way way out of proportion, along with
asbestos, lead in paint, RF exposure and a few other things.  All of
these materials are perfectly safe if you handle them in a sensible
way.  Don't drink or bathe in PCBs and you'll be fine.   If you can
handle gasoline or used motor oil safely you can handle PCB
transformer oil.
For information on disposal of the oil go here:



I think the exposure to PCBs danger is the potential legal morass should PCBs show up on your property. In particular, should they escape containment.
While it has been almost thirty years since I have had to deal with the 
use and disposal of components containing PCBs, I don't think the 
regulations and labeling requirements have relaxed over that time.  It 
was a big deal back then, I'm sure it is today.
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