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Re: [Amps] Need Fan for amp

Subject: Re: [Amps] Need Fan for amp
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2018 21:57:03 -0500
List-post: <>
New fans are so cheap repair isn't worth the effort.

OTOH, many of the muffin fans use a sleeve bearing. Peel the sticker off the center of the rotating part. There "might" be a rubber membrane under there (or not) Usually these can be lubricated using a hypodermic needle.
Running a few minutes before getting noisy is an indication of this type 
of bearing running dry. Often when the noise starts the RPM drops way 
down.  As long as it hasn't run long like this a good lube should fix 
it. If it's run this way for hours, just replace it.  There are new 
design 12VDC fans that will move a lot of air and only take 5W (give or 
take) to do it.
Try NewEgg or one of the computer supply places for an inexpensive 
replacement..  It's an old fan, so almost any of the correct dimensions 
will work. You can probably find a new one that moves twice as much air 
as the old one for $10 to $20.
NOTE.  Most fans today are 12 VDC while some older ones may be 110 VAC.  
Most of the 12 V move more air than the 110 VAC.
Setup charge to make and install a new bushing would be more than a new 
fan would cost unless you have a friend with the equipment who really 
knows how to align bore and install a bushing out of oil light stock.  
Most of this stuff is metric.

Roger (K8RI)

On 1/11/2018 Thursday 4:11 PM, Steve Wright wrote:
It will have a plain bearing in it for sure.  It's not a difficult job
to get old motors apart if you're patient and methodical.  Get the old
part out and have the local machine shop or some local hobby modelling
fella make you one.

On 10/01/18 05:19, john shea wrote:
Newly acquired thirty year old Amp International LK500-ZC original cooling
fan is noisy. Fan works very well except for the noise which occurs after
the first 4 minutes. Is there a source for replacements or someone who
specializes in rebuilding these units?



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Roger (K8RI)

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