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[Amps] solid state amp ?

Subject: [Amps] solid state amp ?
From: Paul Kraemer <>
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2021 16:04:23 -0500
List-post: <>
I have decided after 60+ years  in the hobby it may be time to try a solid state linear.

I have been looking at ACOM 1200S and RZ1ZR Mercury 3S as possibilities within my price range.  The Mercury reviews I have read are very good as is the price but I am reluctant to make a substantial payment up front for something unknown I may receive a long time from now.  It goes against my business sense of 50+ years.

I would be interested in communicating with anyone with experience on either or both of these.  Or, if one is available to sell please contact me.

Paul K0UYA

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