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[Amps] 12 KW CCS ON 160-15M...USING THE 3CX-6000A7... PART 9

Subject: [Amps] 12 KW CCS ON 160-15M...USING THE 3CX-6000A7... PART 9
From: "jim.thom" <>
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2023 23:48:01 -0800
List-post: <>
Here, the paralleled pair of Jennings  RJ2B output vac relays are
installed.....along with the 7-16 DIN output connector.
Also installed is the 1/2" silver plated tubing coil, used for 20 + 15m.
 Also installed is the hb  3/8" tubing coil, used for  80+40m.  The hb cu
 are cut and installed for the vac tune and vac load caps.  The  hb 1/4"
 tubing coil (used for 160m) is wound, but not yet installed, nor the 100mm
diam Draloric plate block cap.  On the rear apron,  you can also see the
pair of 100 amp, superior electric ...'supercon connectors', used to
terminate the cables for the 7.0 vac @ 78 amp fil supply.  It's progressing
pretty good.  The entire B+ supply has yet to be built... but is a straight
forward project, since it's already been done several times before.
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  • [Amps] 12 KW CCS ON 160-15M...USING THE 3CX-6000A7... PART 9, jim.thom <=