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[Amps] 12 KW CCS ON 160-15M....USING THE 3CX-6000A7..... PART 22

Subject: [Amps] 12 KW CCS ON 160-15M....USING THE 3CX-6000A7..... PART 22
From: "jim.thom" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 09:48:29 -0700
List-post: <>
Here, the series bank of 2500 uf @ 450 vdc lytics is uniquely wired up, in
it's final config.  The ring terminal / spade lug is lopped off a sta-kon
crimp connector, leaving just the barrel.   The barrel is then slid over
the round pins of the lytics.   16 ga silver / stranded / teflon wire is
inserted into the barrel, along with the solid 16 ga (.052")  lead of a 6
amp RVS connected diode, and also one end of the 100K  @ 3 watt MOF EQ
resistor.  (1% Tolerance).   The resistors  all measure exactly  99,800
ohms.  On paper, the V drop across each lytic should be identical. (375
vdc).  Diss in each resistor is 1.4 watts.

The function of the RVS connected diode across each cap, is in the unlikely
event that if one leg of the main FWB rectifier assy failed shorted, you
would end up with a condition whereby raw AC  from the plate xfmr sec,
would be pumped into the string of lytics, causing severe damage to them.
 The RVS connected diodes in this case, would conduct, bypassing the
caps.... and taking out the HV fuse #2.
 (located between  sec of plate xfmr and input to fwb).   The replacement
costs for those lytics is very expensive. (non issue if an oil cap was used)

After  crimping, the  tops and bottoms of each barrel are then soldered.
This makes for a 100%  solid connection, both mechanically and

Originally, those lytics were designed to be mounted to a PC board.  The
3rd (un-used) pin was to make for a small tripod, for better support.   In
this application,  the caps are inverted, and mounted with nylon capacitor
clamps.   The 330 cfm (filtered) intake air will 1st pass  by the caps,
before going into the planum of the RF deck.
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  • [Amps] 12 KW CCS ON 160-15M....USING THE 3CX-6000A7..... PART 22, jim.thom <=