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"Final QSL" .... remember Don Miller?

Subject: "Final QSL" .... remember Don Miller?
From: TSkelton@engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Mon Mar 29 08:58:00 1993

I can't admit to hearing this myself, because it happened just "before
my time."  I was originally licensed in 1968 and didn't start DX'ing for
several years.

Do any of you guys remember the "Don Miller" style?  As I understand,
when he called QRZ he would write down several calls he heard and
his next transmission went something like this:
"W1AA, W2AA, W3AA, W4AA, W5AA, you're all 5 by 9..Q R Zed"
Thus, his only purpose was to get as many calls in the log as possible.
The verification of the other call was obviously not important

Anyhow, in contesting I have always tried to make sure that I had the
call of the station worked correctly logged....I just feel that is playing 
the rules.  This was driven home many years ago when a station "west of
the Mississippi" with a great station and signal was disqualified during
one of the ARRL sponsored contests for "excessive callsign errors" or
something similar.

73, Tom WB4IUX

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