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PED Availability

Subject: PED Availability
From: reisert@mast.enet.dec.com (Jim Reisert AD1C 18-Jul-1993 1234)
Date: Sun Jul 18 13:30:31 1993
------------------Reply to mail dated 16-JUL-1993 20:53:28.92------------------

Scott, N9LJX writes:

>Any chance of someone putting on an FTP site so as to not enrichen Ma Bell
>too much?

I've been trying for a week.  Unfortunately, JE3MAS used the word "Pirate"
in the name of his software organization, and site managers are reluctant to
make the program available, fearing it's pirated software.  I am continuing
to "work the issue" as we say in digital-speak, and will post information
here when the program is available.

73 - Jim AD1C

James J. Reisert                Internet:  reisert@mast.enet.dec.com
Digital Equipment Corp.         UUCP:      ...decwrl!mast.enet.dec.com!reisert
146 Main Street - MLO3-6/C9     Voice:     508-493-5747
Maynard, MA  01754              FAX:       508-493-0395

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