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Good callsigns

Subject: Good callsigns
From: w9sz@prairienet.org (Zack Widup)
Date: Tue Aug 1 19:03:30 1995

>My suggested best contest call sign:
>     TU5NN
>        /JBL  KD1ON
>         (jbl@levin.mv.com)

We used to have a lot of fun with W9DE on Field Day on CW (Call used by 
Joliet ARS for years.)

Sorry Ernie!      :-)

I don't know how others feel, but I'm enjoying this thread!

                                        73, Zack W9SZ

>From ac1o@sunken.gate.net (Walt Deemer)  Wed Aug  2 01:19:46 1995
From: ac1o@sunken.gate.net (Walt Deemer) (Walt Deemer)
Subject: 1) WN4KKN 2) IRC
Message-ID: <9508020019.1ocx@sunken.gate.net>

John Warren, NT5C, recently opined: 
> Trey's callsign is particularly memorable on ssb: 
No, NO -- our Fearless Leader's call really sounds like *this* on ssb:   
              Write Knight Four Knight Knight Night 
On another subject: As of this writing (2200Z), Hurricane Erin is bearing 
down on South-Central Florida.  The latest forecast track on West Palm 
Beach's Channel 5, using a big-scale map, shows the storm passing *right 
over* International Radio and Computers.  (Honest!!  IRC is located 3 
miles south of Fort Pierce, Florida.) 
Is this Divine Retribution?  Is it IRC's new Super-Fast Delivery 
System for Long-Delayed Orders?  Or -- ? 
(Sorry; I've spent the day boarding up the house here, and I guess all 
the Erin-watching has finally pushed me over the edge.  Fortunately, the 
electric power will probably go out for a couple of days, so I won't be 
able to read the (well-deserved) flames that will surely be sent my way.) 
73 de Walt, AC1O/4 (located 8 miles south of Fort Pierce, Florida)  

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