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NCJ Sprint and low power

Subject: NCJ Sprint and low power
From: rkaufman@magic.mb.ca (rkaufman@magic.mb.ca)
Date: Fri Sep 1 18:37:00 1995
Great ! Low power for the super ops. Thats all I need, having 
to compete with the likes of KR0Y, N6TR etc and NOT have my 
"low power" excuse to fall back on. Next thing they'll tell me 
is that they're moving up to VE4/VE8/KL7 land to see what its 
like to be "geographically disadvantaged". 
Puleeze, just leave L.P. SS alone.... OK ?
Rob VE4GV (Trying to be competetive in at least ONE contest)

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil@seattleu.edu  Sat Sep  2 00:54:11 1995
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil@seattleu.edu (H. Ward Silver)
Subject: NCJ Sprint and low power
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9509011602.B1285-a100000@bach.seattleu.edu>

> I am happy to announce that a significant group of high power top ten
> contenders have been convinced to operate low power in the next NCJ CW
> Sprint.  This includes stations like KR0Y, N6TR, KM9P, N2IC, K1KI, K5GN,
> N6AA, N6TV, WN4KKN, N6ZZ, and K5ZD to name a few.

Just when I thought I had a shot at the Top Ten!  These guys also have to
knock half the elements off their antennas and replace all the hardline
with RG-58, too!  Just kidding!  Welcome to Coach Class, guys!

CU as N0AX/126 this week...

73, Ward N0AX

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