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From: K5GA@aol.com (K5GA@aol.com)
Date: Mon Sep 11 12:20:10 1995
Here is my story....

Operated from N5RP

Station #1  TS940S/TL922A
Station #2  TS940S/TL922A

Only ran 500W due to neighborhood TVI/RFI problems

TA36 @ 70'   20M

403BAS @ 60'  40M

Inverted V @ 60'  80M

Final score......................295/45.......................13,275

Activity was way down in my estimation. Conditions seemed to be OK except
for 80 which was very noisy from Houston. I missed several who called me on
80. They were just too weak.

I did not have the mentality to go low power. As you see, KR0Y did just as
low power as I did with 500W!!! This is definitely not my contest.

Does anyone have K6NA score??????? 

I'll see everyone again next weekend.


Mr. Bill  K5GA

>From Roy Hradilek <73374.2465@compuserve.com>  Mon Sep 11 17:03:21 1995
From: Roy Hradilek <73374.2465@compuserve.com> (Roy Hradilek)
Subject: Sprint Score - AD5Q
Message-ID: <950911160321_73374.2465_DHS64-1@CompuServe.COM>

                           Band   QSOs
                            20     68
                            40     97
                            80     78
                            Tot:  243 x 42 = 10,206

This one  got off  to an  awful start  on 20.  My older  version (8.09) of NA
locked up  or crashed  about every  3rd or  4th QSO,  requiring re-boot. This
killed the  rate for  the first  hour. The only thing I can figure is that NA
version 8 doesn't like DOS  6.  The  shack  computer  was  on  DOS  3.3 until

Finally, I  downloaded the  NA file to an SDF and uploaded into YVT's copy of
version 9.20. It was still on my disk from Field Day. I reset the initializa-
tion parameters  and was  ready to  go. Cost: 5 minutes. I remained on 20 cuz
there were still lots of guys I hadn't worked. 

I QSY'ed to 40 late, but it played great. 80  was also  good. Had  no further
problems with  NA, and  pulled well  ahead of stations that were running even
with me when I worked them on 20.

The power here was 800 watts on 20, and 1000 on 40 & 80.  I was  surprised at
the number  of guys running low power. I have no problem with Sprint becoming
a low power contest like NAQP (how about a 100  watt limit?).  It means those
of us without two radios or quick QSY amplifiers can change bands more often.
I have yet to do more than 2 QSYs in a Sprint. This was fun, but with so many
guys running low power it's hard to compare scores. Derrick can't spell.

                                 Roy -- AD5Q

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