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KB8N Sprint Results/Station Info

Subject: KB8N Sprint Results/Station Info
From: PaulKB8N@aol.com (PaulKB8N@aol.com)
Date: Wed Sep 13 19:12:07 1995
My efforts to continuously improve my Sprint score took a side step this
time.  I concentrated on rate, thinking that the mults would follow.  Wrong.
 I exceeded my previous score by only 300 points despite 30 more Qs.  I've
included some technical details on my station, if anyone is interested in
steps I've taken to make a modest station competitive.
KB8N (MRRC Team #2) Summary:
Score:  221@37 for 8177 points

Transceivers:  Corsair I and Omni A  both 100W

Antennas:  80M Inv Vee, apex at 32'  
                 40M Inv Vee x2, apexes at 26' and 24' respectively
                 20M Vertical Dipole, hung from tree

I'm in a covenant restricted neighborhood, so antennas are low, using fine
wire (#22 and #28), and are all fed with slotted 300 Ohm twinlead.  This
neighborhood turned out to be the only acceptable alternative in considering
the kids' (I have 4) school needs.

Technical details of the station:  This basic setup has won certificates in
several major contests, despite its age.  Running low power with modest
antennas has required the station to be efficient and flexible.

Both transceivers share the same LMO design, so I can control the frequency
of one or both simultaneously with the same tuning knob.  This makes strereo
dual-band search and pounce a snap!

Bandswitching is completely a one knob operation for both radios.  As
mentioned, I have four antennas, and have built four five-band tuners that
bandswitch automatically (using relays) with either transceiver.  For each
transceiver, I have the choice of two antennas on all five bands. ( I have to
do manual switching to bring the 160M antenna on line.)  SWR is preadjusted
to 1:1 on all bands and rarely has to be tweaked. 

The VOX relay output from radio one mutes radio two and vice-versa, although
I can run both radios wide open into separate antennas with no fratricide
because of the bandpass filter effect of the tuners and a  bullet-proof front
end on both radios.

My two radio switchbox is designed for convenient switching between radios.
 The box has a five position switch, with the center position for stereo
reception-only from both radios. Rotating one position to the left chooses
radio one (in both earphones), keying and primary antenna.  Rotating one more
position to the left chooses radio one, secondary antenna.  Same thing for
radio two on the right hand side of center.  In the same box is a memory
keyer, and audio peaking filters for each radio.

Limitations:  Aside from antennas, the AGC in the early TenTec radios leaves
a lot to be desired.  I significantly modified the Omni AGC and audio
filtering, but it still is marginal.    Because of my present antenna
situation, I find myself making three calls to make one search and pounce
QSO.  Despite not being particularily loud, I do seem to be able to work
almost everything I hear, but the competition usually gets them first.

Plans: I should leave Texas this Spring.  Hope to get back to Europe, or at
least get moved to the East Coast, according to the needs of the Air Force.
 Someday, I'll retire and find a spot where I can put up some real antennas
(with real #14 wire!) and buy some radios that I won't have to pack in a box
and move every two years.  Thanks to all for your good ears.  As they say
about pro basketball...I love this sport!!!!!      Paul, KB8N

>From Marijan Miletic <s56a@ljutcp.hamradio.si>  Thu Sep 14 01:00:50 1995
From: Marijan Miletic <s56a@ljutcp.hamradio.si> (Marijan Miletic)
Subject: What I learned...
Message-ID: <82684@ljutcp.hamradio.si>

Randy, K5ZD writes: A call with a 5 followed by an S is not good for CW.
We learned some 3 years ago that S followed by 5 is even worse!
73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU.

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil@seattleu.edu  Thu Sep 14 01:38:15 1995
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil@seattleu.edu (H. Ward Silver)
Subject: Cryogenic radio?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9509131714.H8789-9100000@bach.seattleu.edu>

Yes, but on the other hand, the August issue of Scientific American has a
nifty article on "Stochastic Resonance" that shows how adding noise to a
signal can improve the signal-to-noise ration of weak signals at or below
the noise level.


So, first we freeze it, then we add noise to it!  You first....

73, Ward N0AX

>From n4zr@ix.netcom.com (Pete Smith N4ZR)  Thu Sep 14 03:03:15 1995
From: n4zr@ix.netcom.com (Pete Smith N4ZR) (Pete Smith N4ZR)
Subject: QST Cover
Message-ID: <199509140203.TAA11241@ix7.ix.netcom.com>

Was delighted to get my QST today with the ARRL DX results and the amazing
cover story re N7ML.  Sat there with my jaw dropping at the sight of those
towers, especially on reading that he's barely begun.  Then I noticed that
although the towers are in fine shape, at the time the picture was taken,
the house apparently had no siding on it and the deck was temporarily
propped up -- clearly a "work in progress."  and I thought to myself, here's
a contester with his priorities straight ;)

73, Pete Smith N4ZR
n4zr@ix.netcom.com *** please note new address ***

>From James White <0006492564@mcimail.com>  Thu Sep 14 03:25:00 1995
From: James White <0006492564@mcimail.com> (James White)
Subject: Fwd: non-Cryogenic radio contesting challenge?
Message-ID: <35950914022553/0006492564PK2EM@MCIMAIL.COM>


...I can see it now, pre Sprinting posts of the future:

" - looking to form a team of operators for the upcoming Sprint - we will
use older non-cryo gear and 486 or older computers wihtout rig or antenna
control, and the older 3 by 3 callsigns.....to make things interesting I
suggest we try using paddles and keyers, I know you don't own one, just
borrow one for the weekend from a museum or a fellow senior club member.

                                        Stump, NZ6TR"                      


                                        :=)   zx

Forwarded Message

Date: Wed Sep 13 19:12:07 1995
From:     Tim Totten, KJ4VH
          EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414
          MBX: kj4vh@iglou.com
TO:     * James White / MCI ID: 649-2564
Subject:  Cryogenic radio?
Message-Id: <75950914010457/0003765414DC4EM>
Source-Msg-Id: <Pine.SOL.3.91.950913140136.28724C-100000@iglou>
U-Mime-Version: 1.0
U-Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

I just read a press release from Qualcomm and Superconducting Core
Technologies announcing the completion of the "first field test of a
cryoelectronic base station receiver."  The release goes on to say that
the superconductor technology operates at about -300 deg F, and it "allows
receivers to pick up weak signals that might otherwise be undetected." 
The release also makes a vague reference to "superconducting filters," 
and claims that the technology improves both selectivity and system noise
figure.  No specific numbers are mentioned, but the improvement is touted
as being so dramatic that a PCS system can be constucted using fewer base
stations, thus more than offsetting the cost of the cryogenic technology.

I hope this isn't too far off topic, but perhaps someone in this august
forum might be able to expound on the details of this technology.  If it's
really as cost-effective as they claim, perhaps it might have application
in CONTEST stations of the future.


 Tim Totten, KJ4VH       kj4vh@iglou.com | ". . . moderation in the pursuit
 http://www.iglou.com/members/kj4vh.html |     of justice is no virtue."
                  DX IS!                 |     --Barry Goldwater, K7UGA

>From barry@w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner)  Thu Sep 14 02:28:18 1995
From: barry@w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner) (Barry Kutner)
Subject: ARRL DX results
Message-ID: <V67DBD1w165w@w2up.wells.com>

I just received Oct QST (amazingly early!) and see the result of the ARRL 
DX contest waaaaay in the back (p 109). I am curious if others are 
"perturbed" that the contest gets such low priority in the mag? Or, is 
this made up for by the nice cover shot, which doesn't have a HT in 

I also thought it was interesting that the results start across from the 
Silent Keys, typically read by the 65+ crowd, according to marketing 

Last but not least - How do fellow Single Op Assisteds feel about score 
listings compressed into call area only breakdowns, as opposed to 
sections as done with the single ops? Should SOA scores be listed with 
the single ops with an asterisk, or maybe letter E, as in the power 



Barry N. Kutner, W2UP       Internet: barry@w2up.wells.com
Newtown, PA                 Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
                            Packet Cluster: W2UP >WB2R (FRC)

>From ccook@agora.rdrop.com (Craig Cook)  Thu Sep 14 03:48:00 1995
From: ccook@agora.rdrop.com (Craig Cook) (Craig Cook)
Subject: The horses are now entering.....
Message-ID: <m0st4Lx-0001PYC@agora.rdrop.com>

Has anyone heard the latest on the "vanity" call thing?
Seems like it is getting past the rumored start time.
Maybe I missed some news somewhere?
I'm starting to wonder which will come first:
Gate Two -or- The Pearly Gates.

                Craig R. Cook - N7ENU

>From Charlie Deel" <Charlie_Deel@cpqm.saic.com  Thu Sep 14 07:47:54 1995
From: Charlie Deel" <Charlie_Deel@cpqm.saic.com (Charlie Deel)
Subject: ARRL DX results
Message-ID: <n1401071588.10294@cpqm.saic.com>

        Reply to:   RE>ARRL DX results

Or how about turning in the best score in the world, 13M+ pts, one of the top
five all time scores regardless of category and meriting only a single
sentence. AND no plaque.  VP2MFM (multi-two) beat All multi-op categories, DX
and W/VE.  Hell, we made more Qs on 15m than W3LPL did in the entire contest
(no insult intended).  We are wondering who's punch bowl we pissed in.  Maybe
that explains why the volcano is erupting and hurricanes are threatening the
island, the Gods are angry....
  73, Cliff  KO4FM/VP2MDI
To: Deel, Charlie
From: Barry Kutner

I just received Oct QST (amazingly early!) and see the result of the ARRL 
DX contest waaaaay in the back (p 109). I am curious if others are 
"perturbed" that the contest gets such low priority in the mag? Or, is 
this made up for by the nice cover shot, which doesn't have a HT in 

I also thought it was interesting that the results start across from the 
Silent Keys, typically read by the 65+ crowd, according to marketing 

Last but not least - How do fellow Single Op Assisteds feel about score 
listings compressed into call area only breakdowns, as opposed to 
sections as done with the single ops? Should SOA scores be listed with 
the single ops with an asterisk, or maybe letter E, as in the power 



Barry N. Kutner, W2UP       Internet: barry@w2up.wells.com
Newtown, PA                 Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
                            Packet Cluster: W2UP >WB2R (FRC)

------------------ RFC822 Header Follows ------------------
Received: by cpqm.saic.com with SMTP;13 Sep 1995 20:13:36 U
X-ListName: Amateur Radio Contester's discussion list <CQ-Contest@tgv.com>
Warnings-To: <>
Errors-To: owner-cq-contest@tgv.com
Sender: owner-cq-contest@tgv.com
To: cq-contest@tgv.com
Subject: ARRL DX results
From: barry@w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner)
Reply-To: barry@w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner)
Message-ID: <V67DBD1w165w@w2up.wells.com>
Organization: W2UP, Newtown, PA

>From n4zr@ix.netcom.com (Pete Smith)  Thu Sep 14 13:09:42 1995
From: n4zr@ix.netcom.com (Pete Smith) (Pete Smith)
Subject: ARRL DX results
Message-ID: <199509141209.FAA21488@ix7.ix.netcom.com>

Barry wrote:

>I just received Oct QST (amazingly early!) and see the result of the ARRL 
>DX contest waaaaay in the back (p 109). I am curious if others are 
>"perturbed" that the contest gets such low priority in the mag? Or, is 
>this made up for by the nice cover shot, which doesn't have a HT in 
>I also thought it was interesting that the results start across from the 
>Silent Keys, typically read by the 65+ crowd, according to marketing 
>Last but not least - How do fellow Single Op Assisteds feel about score 
>listings compressed into call area only breakdowns, as opposed to 
>sections as done with the single ops? Should SOA scores be listed with 
>the single ops with an asterisk, or maybe letter E, as in the power 
>Barry N. Kutner, W2UP       Internet: barry@w2up.wells.com
>Newtown, PA                 Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
>                            Packet Cluster: W2UP >WB2R (FRC)

I guess I'd rather emphasize the positive -- the cover (!), highlighted
cover "billing" of the DX Contest results, the predictable placement of
contest info in the magazine every month, the regional boxes (instigated by
this reflector), the 16 pages devoted to the results, the additional page in
Up Front, etc.  Billy and Warren have clearly been listening to the contest

I did think there were a few odd editorial hiccups, including the failure to
mention the first-ever overall win by an SOA station, and the rather odd
emphasis on second-place stations, rather than winners, in low-power CW and
multi-unlimited.  Of course, my PVRC affiliation may have something to do
with that.  Way to go, Larry/Frank and crew!  Way to go, PVRC! Way to go, ARRL!

73, Pete Smith N4ZR
**WEST** Virginia

>From Setzler" <setzler@c813.npt.nuwc.navy.mil  Thu Sep 14 10:07:08 1995
From: Setzler" <setzler@c813.npt.nuwc.navy.mil (Setzler)
Subject: The horses are now entering.....
Message-ID: <n1401051127.17735@c813.npt.nuwc.navy.mil>

I sent a request to the FCC for Form 610-V in late May.  They told me at that
time that printing was delayed and to make another request in July.  I did,
and they told me again that printing was delayed but to not make another
request until the end of the year.  So, either their printing presses are
veeeeeerrrrrrrry slow or maybe they're not really sure how to administer the

      James, KD1NG   >>  setzler@c813.npt.nuwc.navy.mil  <<
From: Craig Cook on Thu, Sep 14, 1995 6:35 AM
Subject: The horses are now entering.....
To: cq-contest@tgv.com

Has anyone heard the latest on the "vanity" call thing?
Seems like it is getting past the rumored start time.
Maybe I missed some news somewhere?
I'm starting to wonder which will come first:
Gate Two -or- The Pearly Gates.

                Craig R. Cook - N7ENU

>From Setzler" <setzler@c813.npt.nuwc.navy.mil  Thu Sep 14 11:02:51 1995
From: Setzler" <setzler@c813.npt.nuwc.navy.mil (Setzler)
Subject: Short Beverage vs EWE
Message-ID: <n1401048706.56543@c813.npt.nuwc.navy.mil>

I know we exercised this topic a bit this summer, but until I get a lot more
property I can't run the parallel 580' Beverages towards Europe.  What I can
run is about 200'.  

Opinions requested:     Would it be better to have a 200' Beverage or EWE for

73 James, KD1NG    >>  setzler@c813.npt.nuwc.navy.mil  <<


>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH@TGV.COM>  Thu Sep 14 15:42:23 1995
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH@TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Subject: ARRL DX results
Message-ID: <811089743.167893.GARLOUGH@TGV.COM>

> Or how about turning in the best score in the world, 13M+ pts, one of the top
> five all time scores regardless of category and meriting only a single
> sentence. AND no plaque.  

Bummer you didn't get a trophy.  Perhaps you should consider
sponsoring the World M/2 award in 1996 (sounds like this sponsorship
is available), so next year's winner won't be similarly disappointed.

And as for those winners whose categories were sponsored this year,
have you written thank you letters to your patrons yet?

--Trey, WN4KKN/6

>From Bob Souza Septic Engineering <bob@may18.tay.dec.com>  Thu Sep 14 15:54:13 
From: Bob Souza Septic Engineering <bob@may18.tay.dec.com> (Bob Souza Septic 
Subject: beverage preamp
Message-ID: <9509141454.AA16734@may18.tay.dec.com>

Can anyone point me to a design (or manufacturer) for a 1.8/3.5 MHz
beverage preamp?



>From Cain, Jim,  K1TN" <jcain@arrl.org  Thu Sep 14 16:07:00 1995
From: Cain, Jim,  K1TN" <jcain@arrl.org (Cain, Jim,  K1TN)
Subject: No plaque
Message-ID: <30584773@arrl.org>

Happens all the time. I placed fourth world
CW single op from VP2MDC running a hundred
watts and paper logs and didn't get a plaque (1988).
(Martti Laine beat me from TG0 running heat).

Who said life was fair?

Billy Lunt himself has a (perfectly legitimate)
plaque for 10 meters at the bottom of the
cycle when he made something like 25 contacts.
Nobody else was crazy enough to turn in a
single-band 10 meter entry.

But 13 mil and no trophy is a real shame.
Send me a photo and maybe I can use it in
"Happenings" as "The last operation from
Montserrat before the Soufriere blew."

> Or how about turning in the best score in the world, 13M+ pts, one of the
> five all time scores regardless of category and meriting only a single
> sentence. AND no plaque.

Bummer you didn't get a trophy.  Perhaps you should consider
sponsoring the World M/2 award in 1996 (sounds like this sponsorship
is available), so next year's winner won't be similarly disappointed.

And as for those winners whose categories were sponsored this year,
have you written thank you letters to your patrons yet?

 --Trey, WN4KKN/6

>From sneader@mail.ctenet.com (Scott Neader, KA9FOX)  Thu Sep 14 16:52:52 1995
From: sneader@mail.ctenet.com (Scott Neader, KA9FOX) (Scott Neader, KA9FOX)
Subject: ARRL DX results
Message-ID: <v01510108ac7db91f7c2f@[]>

  > Or how about turning in the best score in the
  > world, 13M+ pts, one of the top five all time
  > scores regardless of category and meriting
  > only a single sentence.

Or how about breaking the 15 meter single band World Record (which had
stood for about 7 years I think) and not even getting a mention.

Would you like cheese with your whine?

- Scott, KA9FOX (TG0AA)

Please don't take this as a slam of any sorts against QST or the write-up
authors.  I've been very pleased with the quality of the write-ups and
their willingness to listen to the contest community and make requested
changes.  I went to TG to make a lot of Qs and have a lot of fun (which I
did)... not to see my name in QST.

/^^\__________     Scott Neader, KA9FOX
\~~/          \         E-MAIL:  sneader@mail.ctenet.com
 \/\____,(  /\ |      WEB SITE:  http://www.infoanalytic.com/ka9fox/
   / \    \/| \|       ADDRESS:  3323 South 29th St., La Crosse, WI 54601
   |  \   / |            PHONE:  Work: (608)796-5032   Home: (608)788-8889

>From Daniel R. Violette" <Daniel_R._Violette@ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com  Thu 
>Sep 14 18:06:41 1995
From: Daniel R. Violette" <Daniel_R._Violette@ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com 
(Daniel R. Violette)
Subject: The horses are now entering.....
Message-ID: <9508148110.AA811094857@ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com>

     At the SW Division Convention heard that the FCC is waiting to rule on 
     6 or so petitions they got.  One or two effect the start.  The ARRL 
     one and some others don't effect Gate 1.  Expected next start attempt 
     Jan-Feb '96.
     Dan   KI6X
     e-mail:  Daniel_R._Violette@ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: The horses are now entering.....
Author:  ccook@agora.rdrop.com (Craig Cook) at SMTPGTY 
Has anyone heard the latest on the "vanity" call thing? 
Seems like it is getting past the rumored start time. 
Maybe I missed some news somewhere?
I'm starting to wonder which will come first: 
Gate Two -or- The Pearly Gates.
  Craig R. Cook - N7ENU

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil@seattleu.edu  Thu Sep 14 17:50:04 1995
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil@seattleu.edu (H. Ward Silver)
Subject: SSB Sprint Team Invite
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9509140904.L6642-8100000@bach.seattleu.edu>

The Grateful Eds still have some openings...want to be "Jerry" on Saturday
night?  Send the Grateful Eds out in style...or just send them out ;-)

73, Ward N0AX

>From John Dorr K1AR" <p00259@psilink.com  Thu Sep 14 18:54:16 1995
From: John Dorr K1AR" <p00259@psilink.com (John Dorr K1AR)
Subject: Contest Club Update Request
Message-ID: <3020183466.3.p00259@psilink.com>

As you may know, I try to keep up-to-date records on contest clubs 
including: Officers, Geographical coverage (e.g., New England, MD/DC, 
etc.) and mailing address. If this applies to you, please send me an 
updated entry for your club so that I can update my records. We also 
want to include this info in the 1996 CQ Almanac that is nearing 

John, K1AR

>From James Hurt <jhurt@freenet.columbus.oh.us>  Thu Sep 14 18:00:55 1995
From: James Hurt <jhurt@freenet.columbus.oh.us> (James Hurt)
Subject: Phillystran potting ends
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9509141355.A14057-b100000@acme>


I am about to begin construction of a clone of the ON4UN 89' tower,
using elevated radials, etc. for use primarily in contests (had to get
that in here somewhere) for 80/160.

I have several pieces of the old style Phillystran that requires the use
of the potting compound, and sockets. I would like to reuse
these pieces, but as you might expect, the lengths are all
wrong. Phillystran no longer provides the original type of socket that 
they used to provide, since they went to the new style that uses either
cable clamps or guy grips. They will provide a commercial substitute, but
the price is about $25-30 each, as opposed to the $10 price range that you
could get the old style connector for. 

I was wondering if somebody out there had some of the old style potting
heads in their junk box that they have been saving for use in their
contest station (got that word in there again) that might be willing to 
part with them? I would just as soon spend the extra money on additional
trinkets to make my contest station more competitive, if possible.

Thanks for your time in reading this, and I look forward to working you in
the contests on 80 and 160 this fall and winter.

73, Jim

>From k8mr@barf80.nshore.org (Jim Stahl)  Thu Sep 14 18:30:05 1995
From: k8mr@barf80.nshore.org (Jim Stahl) (Jim Stahl)
Subject: Sprint Teams
Message-ID: <ugiFBD1w165w@barf80.nshore.org>

I share the concern expressed by several here about declining
activity in the cw sprints.  At the same time I have come
somewhat close to being part of the problem.  Recent sprints have
been frustrating.  This past sprint was the first in several
years that I could work anyone east of the Mississippi and north
of the Carolinas on 40 on a nonscatter mode, and even then only
until 0145Z or so.  20 was weird, 80 was noisy, participation
low. The existence of a Mad River team did encourage me not to
drop out.
But for teams (as well as individuals) it becomes frustrating
with the same mediocre results sprint after sprint.  Perhaps we
don't have the talent some other teams do.  But there is a clear
propagation advantage for 5 land in this contest, with usually a
somewhat lesser one for the west coast. No big deal: I know you
guys suck wind in the DX tests.
Most sprint teams are organized along classic club competitions:
getting a bunch of locals to go against other bunches.  A few,
such as the recent Team Derrick, have been made by basically
getting the 10 best guys in the country on one team.  Let me
suggest an alternative that I think would generate activity among
many not presently active in the sprint: the geographically
diverse sprint team.
Have 10 or so of the biggest guns recruit and organize a team
with one member from each call area.  This is based on location,
not call sign: K1ZX would be a 4, not a 1.  It wouldn't be hard
to find good 5's or 6's, but the e-mails would be piling up and
phones would be ringing off the hooks in W1, W2, W3, etc.,
looking for good contesters join a team and get on for the
I'd suggest considering Canadian areas in the corresponding US
areas, i.e. VE4 = W4.  Stations outside the U.S. or Canada could
fill in for W9, W0, and maybe W8.
I think anyone who used Der* or Dom* in the past sprint would
make a good candidate to head up such a team.
Jim  K8MR          k8mr@barf80.nshore.org

Jim Stahl
InterNet: k8mr@barf80.nshore.org
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency, BARF-80 +1 216/237-8208
"Totally devoted to Amateur Radio" - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 14.4k-300 baud

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