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Summary: Tower Help + some tips from Bravo

Subject: Summary: Tower Help + some tips from Bravo
From: Ai7b@teleport.com (Ai7b@teleport.com)
Date: Thu Feb 15 08:46:35 1996
        the WORST thing about r25 in my opinion is that it is a pain in
        a** to stand and work on especially in the mast area (which is 
        where most of the work is done!!  in my caase my shoes are size
        12EE....with the mast in the middle and feedlines/rotor cable on 
        the the inside of the tower their is damm little room for my feet!
        they do not fit together on the same rung!! i often climb r25 with
        a tower leg btwn my legs and each foot on a separte rung.
        i wind up in akward and uncomfortable positions on r25.  also, 
        if you use a pipe vs a flat top section ur in for even more 
        misery trying to reach ur beams cuz the pipe top has abt 2 ft of 
        area at the top that u cannot stand on.  flat top and 2 thrust 
        bearings are a must for any kind of a tall mast with more than 
        one beam on it.  

]       you shud be able to remove a busted rotor without without
        tryin to figure out wat the hell to do wid a mast holding two or 
        more beams supported by one thrust bearing...this situation can 
        get real hairy and many fail to think about as they plan their 
        installation......a second thrust bearing is one of the best
        investments you can make in ur installation!

        73's de bravo

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  • Summary: Tower Help + some tips from Bravo, Ai7b@teleport.com <=