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ARRL DX CW - K-index

Subject: ARRL DX CW - K-index
From: frenaye@pcnet.com (frenaye@pcnet.com)
Date: Tue Feb 20 05:18:27 1996
During the recent ARRL CW DX contest the usual WWV flux, A and K numbers were 
not reported every three hours on the local PacketCluster.  I wondered what 
the weekend's K-index numbers were so it might explain a few things - like 
why we only had a total of 25 QSOs during the 08-09-10Z hours on Sunday 
morning (and that was with 160-80-40 all looking and CQing!).   Remember that 
during the CQWW CW last fall the K-index was 0 or 1 for the entire weekend 
(we were spoiled!).  With the K-index in the 2-3 range the paths over the 
pole sure go downhill!  

Planetary K-index

        00-03Z  2
        03-06   1
        06-09   2
        09-12   2
        12-15   2
        15-18   2
        18-21   3
        21-24   3
        00-03Z  2
        03-06   3
        06-09   3
        09-12   2
        12-15   1
        15-18   0       
        18-21   1
        21-24   2

Information retrieved from:
Also check out:

Another interesting thing is that we worked more stations from LA-SM-OH-UA on 
80 meters than on 40 meters, though for almost all of the rest of Europe we 
had more QSOs on 40 than 80.  Actually, we had more QSOs on 160 than on 40 
from 04-07Z the first night, and from 01-07Z the second night!  I guess the 
MUF really did drop below 7 MHz as ON4UN noted, and then the geomagnetic 
activity (K-index) made it worse.  

73 - Tom 

E-mail: frenaye@pcnet.com  
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box 386, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: 860-668-5444

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