Shameless self-promotion:
I just spent a cold and snowy afternoon installing a 30M high
inverted L with eight semi-elevated radials at a very quiet site in
the country outside Zagreb where there were already Beverages for JA
and USA. The rig will be a TS950SDX w/voice keyer plus an AL1200.
With reasonable conditions, we should be audible even in the US of A.
Look for me this weekend between 1832 and 1835, the newly designed 9A
SSB sub-band (honest!), as 9A/K4XU.
Dick beautiful downtown Croatia.
ps: If you agree these new 160M SSB rules for Croatian amateurs are
impractical, write a certified letter to the Ministry of
Communications in Zagreb and let them know. Please be factual,
courteous, and to the point. It would really help the cause here.
Their address is:
Ministarstvo Pomorstva, Promets I Vesa
attn: D. Filipovic
Prisvalje 14
10 000 Zagreb