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Subject: W3USS D.C.
From: Eric Rosenberg <ericr@access.digex.net> (Eric Rosenberg)
Dave and W3USS won't be the only one on from DC. Look for the little 
pistols and part-timers from the District....like me!

If last weekend was any indication, my activity will be brief.  As the 
saying goes, "Hell hath no fury like a 4-year old who can't watch "Beauty 
and the Beast'" 

Yes, I've been causing TVI to the VCR, especially on 20 meters.  The rig 
being 6 feet from the VCR and a deck-mounted vertical doesn't help.  

The solution will be to win the lottery and finally build out the part of 
the basement designated as "Daddy's Room".  Who knows, my wife was just 
nominated for an Academy Award (short documentary), so the lottery might 
not be impossible!


Eric Rosenberg                  WD3Q, EI4VPS, YJ0AER, J20BY, etc.
Washington, DC  
ericr@access.digex.net          wd3q@amsat.org

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  • W3USS D.C., <0006358668@mcimail.com (David R. Siddall)
    • W3USS D.C., <0006358668@mcimail.com (David R. Siddall)
    • W3USS D.C., Eric Rosenberg <=
    • Re[2]: W3USS D.C., <Steve_Bratcher@BENG.VOA.GOV (Steve Bratcher)