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Soliciting Contest QSOs on Packet

Subject: Soliciting Contest QSOs on Packet
From: paul@sunriselabs.com (Paul Terwilliger) (Paul Terwilliger)
N4ZR wrote:

> As I write this, the East Coast packet network is alive with "spots" in the
> CQ 160 Contest.  Some stations are spotting themselves, pleading for QSOs,
> while others are spotting their friends, or fellow club members.
> I've just read the rules, which are quite vague on this subject.  Is it OK
> to solicit for yourself on packet if you're a multi-op, because you can use
> packet to get spots on other people?  What about single ops?
> Seems to me that the intent of the rule on the use of packet, spotting nets,
> etc. is to regulate the use of external assistance in finding other people
> to work, not to permit solicitation of QSOs via a different band... kind of
> like moving people from packet to 160.
> I don't blame people currently for using this technique, because there is no
> rule against it.  But should there be?
> 73, Pete Smith N4ZR
> n4zr@ix.netcom.com 

Is this all that much different from having a member of your multi-op
group look for mults/Q's on any other non-contest band?  Such as 15M
SSB during the 10M test?

IMHO, not a bit.

So, are these activities within the rules?  Should they be?

IMHO, yes, to both.

As for packet self-solicitation, I'd say that is a matter between the
sysop and the person doing it.

Paul, NX1H

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