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[CQ-Contest] New Contest Category

Subject: [CQ-Contest] New Contest Category
From: mad3@rfpo1.rfc.comm.harris.com (Dominiak, Michael A)
Date: Tue Mar 4 14:31:00 1997
Listening to all the complaining about contest
behavior, I thought maybe we needed a new perspective on
attacking the problem.  Rather than chastise the guys for
breaking the rules, why not change the rules to fit the
situation.  E.g. make a new no-holds-barred contest category
with them in mind: The ULTIMATE CONTESTER Category.


OBJECTIVE: Maximize you score relative to competition

REQUIREMENTS: There are no rules or requirements in this category.

Pretty simple, eh?  Can't complain about them breaking
any rules, since there aren't any, and since they only
compete against other Ultimate Contesters who cares?

Now there are probably a few questions about the
Ultimate Contester Category, so a few clarifications
are in order:

1. You may do anything to increase your score relative
to the competition, e.g. multiple radios feeding as many
amplifiers into as many antennas on as many bands/freq. s
as you like.  Go ahead, combine 10 Alphas into that
stacked array pointed on Europe. (Just have lots of
replacement coax on hand).

2. You may use any means available to get a contact:
HF, VHF, SAT, telephone, e-mail, Internet, ... CW is
discouraged as you probably can't copy it with your
medical waiver anyway.

3. There are no restrictions on frequency or mode.  No one can
disqualify you if you want to sit in the DX window all contest
long. You may use as much bandwidth as you like.  (That's 10 on
the mike gain for you appliance ops).  Extra points if your
CQ machine melts down during the contest while you re in the

4. Multiops and Teams are permitted.  Since the objective
is to increase RELATIVE score, team members may either try to
increase your score, or try to decrease the competition's score.
Any means to do this may be explored. (Has anyone ever really
stuck a pin through a coax cable?)

5. You may mark all your QSL cards as Pre-emptive, whatever that

6. You may flame anyone on the reflector for any reason or no
reason.  Just send out a few swear words. That should keep them
busy for a few weeks.  Just listen to 75m if you want to learn
new ones.

7. Bonus points for each complaint letter received by the
Contest Committee.

8. If you can't be available for the contest, move the contest
date.  Pick any day or time that fits your schedule.

9.  Send any exchange you like: zone, section, name, shoe size,
strange noises, etc., or just send nothing at all :).

10. Change your callsign as often as you like.  Go ahead, try out
all those new bogus vanity club calls.

11.  Just remember, there is nothing too trivial or insignificant
that you can't complain about with respect to contesting.  The
Ultimate Contester makes sure everyone has to listen to him often,
over and over.

Did I miss anything?  Just refer to the rules if your have any

Well time to don the abestos.  I now return you to the normal
contest drivel on this channel.

Mike, W2KA

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

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