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[CQ-Contest] Re: 10 Meter contest write-up - IT STINKS!

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: 10 Meter contest write-up - IT STINKS!
From: RS174461@aol.com (RS174461@aol.com)
Date: Tue Jun 16 03:30:33 1998
Although not exactly the same situation, I read an e-mail a couple of weeks
back regarding the RSGB 7MHz DX Contest.  The logs which had been sent via
snail-mail to the contest manager had ALL mysteriously never arrived.  Rather
than trying to cover this up, the RSGB made it public knowledge in the hope
that those whose logs had gone missing could resubmit.  

73 and good luck in resolving the situation,
Karl - RS174461 (G - SWL)

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